Wednesday 4 September 2013

Looking back at those 2 months: Summer Experience with Tata Motors

Getting associated with an organization that stands for ethics, business-excellence and integrity was a reason enough for me to look forward to my 8 weeks of stay in the city of steel Jamshedpur,  the township of the Tata’s that houses the oldest mother plant of Tata Motors Limited.
Exploring the 580-odd acre plant of Tata Motors Jamshedpur plant in one-go was definitely not an easy task for anyone.  Hence, the first week was spent understanding the whole system of the organization – spending innumerable hours at the especially  dedicated Tata Management Centre that houses a huge library of many a journals, books and magazines.

After a week of careful analysis of the work- requirement  at  the  Jamshedpur  plant  of  the Tata Motors and considering my profile, I was drawn into the domain of Innovation Management that is handled by the HR department of the organization.

The project details were doled out. I was pretty excited to explore the whole scope of my assignment and immediately put on my thinking cap on how to go about the whole project since it was a whole new  field of research for me.

Experimenting  with  new  wor around’  and wanting to come out of my comfort zonewas my mind-frame.

The assignment mainly dealt with gauging the motivation levels of the work-force in the plant as regards to innovation, scanning the organizational climate with the lens of various innovation based frameworks being adopted by the company and hence gives suitable recommendations based on the need-gap analysis.

Cut to a certain flash-back : Tata’s had started an annual event titled Innovista’ way back in 2006 to reward and recognize the various innovative  products  rolled  out  in  the  various Tata Group of Companies with none other than Mr. Ratan Tata rewarding the winners himself at a gala function that takes place every year in Mumbai.  It  was  in  2009  that  the  innovation drive was decided to be adopted in the Jamshedpur plant of Tata Motors as a derivative of the main event. The theme being the same: rewarding  innovation  at various  levels  -  be it innovations at the preliminary stage, promising innovations or innovations that looked good on paper but somehow failed while execution.

Cut to week 3: I was already travelling across the huge plant-works in the shuttles deployed to  carry people  from one  division to  another within the plant meeting the various divisional innovation co-coordinators and gathering my data.

The fact that I came from an engineering background but having never worked in a typical engineering firm prior to this (due to my sudden twist of interest towards advertising) made the experience all the more intriguing for me. Regular reviews with my mentors and faculty member made me fine-tune my works and helped me maintain sustained motivation and encouragement.

My co-interns were a great source of learning reservoir for me, bringing diverse skills and interests to the fore-front and making my internship a truly enriching experience.

Cut to the D-Day: Reports were submitted. Presentations were given. A warm hand-shake of appreciation and acceptance of the set of recommendations I had given were reasons enough for me to take back a set of experience that was truly rewarding in every sense of the word. The equations and camaraderie I had forged with my mentors and co-interns will always be remembered.

To conclude, I would like to share these nuggets of  lessons  hidden  in  these  8  weeks  of  my
summer experience with the Tatas:  one must loo fo qualit projects   to   enhance   ones profile something that suits and interests them. One should also try to come out of the comfort zones sometimes and try to experiment and add extra dimensions to one’s profile in the initial stages (and maybe later as well) of ones career as a means of continuous learning exercise.



  PGDM-II (2012-14 Batch)

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